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Nothing Has Changed

It’s Time You Find A Therapist And Get The Help You Need

Individual, Couple, Family Therapy

Therapy in Santa Monica and Online throughout California




“It’s Time I Find a Therapist and Sort This Out”

Is your relationship struggling, and do you and your partner fight often and feel emotionally disconnected ?

Have you had enough of fighting over small issues, and staying quite about major ones?

Are you having difficulties falling asleep due endless thoughts, anxiety, and feel exhausted the following day due to poor sleep and thoughts that keep you tossing and turning ?

Do you over commit at work, feel taken advantage of by your boss, others, and have imaginary arguments about “what I should have said”, only to find yourself saying yes to projects and favors you don’t want to do?

Are you flooded by fear when the thought of ending your romantic relationship enters your mind?


1906130983Anxiety, Depression & Isolation Are Becoming the New Norm

In today’s fast paced society, many are less social, are scrolling to “see my friends”, working, exercising, all from home. This is causing major psychological implications for many.

Anxious, depressed and lonely clients are calling me and my colleagues at a frightening rate never seen before.

If you’ve read this far, something above got your attention.

If you seek to build boundaries, self-esteem, want more intimacy in your romantic relationship, feel guilt for questioning your relationship or need to get a handle on your anxiety and depression.

Santa Monica Therapy Group Can Help You.

Specializing in Individual, Couples (Relationships), Narcissistic Abuse, Adult Children of Alcoholics, Grief and Loss, Parenting, and Personal Growth.



Santa Monica Therapy Group Will Assist You With Your Personal Goals

It’s not your fault you experienced trauma, witnessed chaos, grew up with an alcoholic parent in your formative years, or have an abusive Narcissistic partner today.

It’s time to process the pain from your formative years to stop repeating these patterns in romantic relationships.

Using Psychodynamic Theory, CBT, DBT, and Gottman Therapy, will help you heal in ways you never thought possible.

You’ll understand the roots of your behaviors and have greater control over them. You will understand yourself, your childhood, and others.

There is a way to break the cycle.

And, if you decide to stay with your partner, end the relationship, quit your job, or move on from old friends, you will do so with a clear conscious.


There Is Something You Can Do – Call for Your Free Consultation

Finding a therapist to help you is your first step.

We offer you a free consultation to evaluate your current situation, goals, answer all your questions so your feel comfortable moving forward in your therapeutic journey.

For a quicker response please email or feel free call and leave a message.

Someone will call you back ASAP.

If you have a psychiatric emergency, have overwhelming thoughts of hurting yourself, call 911, or dial 988 (suicide hotline), and/or go to your local emergency room.

Please call today to schedule your appointment. Let’s work together to help you live the life you always dreamed of.

Call or email today and schedule your free consultation: (818) 384-8284.




Hi, I’m Michael.

Let’s discuss your specific needs.



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