Frequently Asked Questions

Where is your office?

My office is located in Santa Monica, California, a 5-minute walk to Third Street Promenade.

Do you offer telehealth?
Yes. I offer both in-office and online. If you have an iPhone, even better. The quality of service is way better with Apple products; Zoom or Google Meets does work, though.
What are your office hours?
I work around you. My typical hours look like this: 11 am – 8 pm. If you need a 9 am session, great; I go home around 6 pm that day. The people in my personal life will thank you.
Where do I park?

Depends on the time of day. I have yet to have a parking issue ever. We offer valet parking. There is public parking within a minute of walking. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your session. Most days, there is someone with their session right after you.

What ages do you work with?
10 years of age to the end of lifespan.
Do you work with just men because you're a man?
No. I work with men, women, children (10 & up), and couples. The fact is, 70% are women, and the rest are men. Come on, men, step up to the occasion.
Do you assign assignments between sessions?
Sometimes. The percentage of people that complete them is low. You’d see faster results if you were one of the few.
What modalities do you practice?

Psychodynamic. What in the heck does that mean? It’s like having a huge toolbox and using the right tool for the right situation. Looking at a bigger picture from early childhood to daily  thoughts. I always incorporate Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Solution-Focused modalities, however.

What's your professional background?
I have a master’s in psychology, specializing in Marriage and Family Therapy. Undergrad in Human Development, specializing in early childhood and adolescents. I was a companion for a very special young Autistic boy in his preschool.
What do you do for fun?
I read, water ski, like racecars, play drums, and love to fix things.
Do you like snakes or dogs?
I am terrified of snakes. I have three grand dogs. I’m lucky I get to spoil them, and they go home after that.
How come you became a therapist?
I had an older brother who suffered from mental illness.
How do you sit in your office day after day listening to others' problems?
I have had many hours of my own therapy to work through my stuff. When needed, I still go.
Is there a place to eat close by in case I come before or after lunch?

Yes. There are many restaurants within walking distance. Most are inexpensive, and some are high end restaurants. I even think there’s a Subway nearby.