About Therapy



Before getting started with therapy, you might be thinking…

“Will I like working with my therapist?”

“I have so much to talk about. Will I have enough time to get everything out? Maybe I’ll bring notes? What should I talk about first?”

“Maybe this is the new beginning I really need? I really want better relationships, to feel secure within myself, and set boundaries I can stick to.”

It’s natural to ask these questions – and even to have a healthy dose of anxiety about getting started.

Our job is to make you feel safe.

Listening to your story with respect, empathy, and the deepest understanding.

I will visualize your story. We’ll visit the pain, disappointment, and grief together in a supportive, therapeutic environment.

Being there with this entire journey, with the support you’re seeking. You will not be alone.

Does this sound like you?

Saying you’re “sorry” over and over…

Are you really sorry? No! Working together, you will be able to respond with a level head (most of the time) rather than reacting with anger and later regretting it.

Avoiding conflict…

The other side of that coin: You say nothing to avoid conflict, and no one has a clue you were ever hurt or pissed off. You can learn to set limits without guilt. Don’t let these situations rent space in your head for days (or longer)!

Obsessing over what you “could” or “should” have done differently…

Others are clueless you’re even doing this; they’re just living their life. They’re not participating in the imaginary arguments you’re having in your head. Let’s bring you back to your authentic self, so you can navigate life with a clear compass on what’s right and wrong for YOU.

2231797975On the other side of therapy…

You’ll be able to have difficult conversations and set clear boundaries with your significant other, everyone… rather than staying quiet and building resentment.

You’ll want to see your friends in person instead of scrolling on social media.

You’ll be present with family, feel alive inside, happiness and balance will lead your daily interactions. Rather than spending hours reading social media post, making plans for a different tomorrow, only to repeat the same pattern as the day before.

You’ll want to be present in your relationships, not watching from the sidelines. You’ll find balance between relationships, work, social life, and most importantly, Self Care.

You’ll finish our work together having the inner strength to weather life’s most difficult storms, losses, disappointments, and uncontrollable situations.

It’s time to find a therapist and start your new chapter

You’ll be one of the few people in your circle that will be able to navigate life knowing life isn’t all blue skies and sunshine.

Unfortunately, most people never take a break to heal so they can get back to full living.

Everyone has losses, disappointments, and uncontrollable situations.

But few know how to harness their strength and remain true to themselves as they weather the storm.

You’re done putting yourself last, making others happy at your expense. Now it’s your time. Endless possibilities await you!

Our Licensed Therapist can assist you with most situations that bring you to therapy. All the therapist at SMTG have years of clinical experience.

No Therapist are interns. 

Call or email today and schedule your free consultation: (818) 384-8284.

About Me

Hi, I’m Michael Najera. I personally will call you back discuss your reasons for seeking therapy. I take new clients all the time.

I have a MA in Marriage and Family Therapy and a BA in Child Development (Specializing In early childhood).

My brother suffered from mental illness, and all of my family of origin have passed on.

I have learned to find the positive side of life. What one thinks about, determines how they feel.

I have lived a colorful life, filled with ups and downs that life brings us all. Learning the lessons of acceptance, gratitude, and deep understanding of situations out of our control.

Combined with my education, life experience, philosophy, psychology, and a strong spiritual belief, I offer you a balanced approach to therapy, that’s empathic, understanding, and collaborative.

I uphold all the legal and ethical standards of my profession. I take many continued education classes, and read clinical books for fun.

This boring stuff does matter, but…

It’ll never take center stage over connection and deep understanding.

Just because I’m an expert in my field doesn’t mean I’m the expert of you or your life experience.

You will teach me much more than I learned in my grad school courses.

Outside the office

I have two adult children.

I’ve played the drums since I was three. I still play for several hours each week.

I also love water skiing, race cars, fixing things, and my work.

I Created Santa Monica Therapy Group with One Goal in Mind: Finding the Right Therapist for Each Client

Specializing in relationships, Narcissistic abuse, boundaries, self-esteem, processing painful childhood memories, abandonment, emotional/physical abuse, trauma, and understanding why you keep picking partners that disappoint.

We are committed to helping men and women with their therapeutic goals.

Knowing ourselves and why we respond in certain ways is the building blocks to better relationships.

Helping couples find healthy ways to keep their love alive is very rewarding.

All our therapists have a strong passion working with clients that are making a commitment to themselves through therapy and in their daily life. The fact that you’re seeking help is a major step, impressive.


I’m truly grateful to be alive!                    Pic